Monday, May 4, 2015

Craigslist Joe

            It may seem crazy trying to live off craigslist for a month, but one man pulled it off. In the movie Craigslist Joe a man literally lived off of just craigslist, with clothes, no money, no food, and a phone and computer with no contacts. He wanted to be done with it by new years so that he could bring all the people he met along the way. It really took some amazing people to help him along his way in order for this to work, even if it was just a guy looking for some company on a long road trip.

           We can connect with other humans so brilliantly if we really try and we can see how amazing the human race is if we meet the right people and that's exactly what Joe did. He relied on random people for his own survival and was hoping that they would feel for the situation he was in and that's exactly what they did he met a ton of new people along the way and made some life long friends.  

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